
This document describes Django’s built-in template tags and filters. It is recommended that you use the automatic documentation, if available, as this will also include documentation for any custom tags or filters installed. This document describes Django’s built-in template tags and filters. It is recommended that you use the automatic documentation, if available, as this will also include documentation for any custom tags or filters installed.This document describes Django’s built-in template tags and filters. It is recommended that you use the automatic documentation, if available, as this will also include documentation for any custom tags or filters installed.This document describes Django’s built-in template tags and filters. It is recommended that you use the automatic documentation, if available, as this will also include documentation for any custom tags or filters installed.This document describes Django’s built-in template tags and filters. It is recommended that you use the automatic documentation, if available, as this will also include documentation for any custom tags or filters installed.


  • Смартфон и вождение

    Динамика развития электронных технологий настолько высока, что сложно представить себе человека без телефона или смартфона. Эти предметы уже настолько плотно вошли в нашу жизнь, что мы просто не может представить ее без лежащего в кармане подобного девайса.